Last Updated on 15th November 2017

Marks Dental College

Marks Hospital Limited, a concern of Marks Group is a 320-bed tertiary care hospital. Bangladeshi Physicians with impeccable reputation are also part of the medical team.  Marks Hospital is located in the heart of Dhaka city and its aims to serve greater portion of the capital city. The main hospital building is 18 stories and is approximately 450,000 sq.ft. The second building is located across the street and is 16 stories with 136,000 sq.ft

Admission Process

  • Director General of Health Services (DGHS), Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh conducts a central written admission test at the national level for admission in the government and non-government Medical College each year. They publish a merit list for eligible candidates. The authority of MARKS Medical College selects the students according to the merit list from the students who applied for admission in MMC.
  • The selected candidates will be examined by a medical board for physical fitness. The medical board will be formed by the Principal of MARKS Medical College.
See also  Dr. Sirajul Islam Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh | MBBS Admission

Marks Dental College
A/3, Main Road, Section-14, Mirpur, Dhaka-1206,
Tel-9871527, 9872241, 8033373, Fax: 88-02-8057776