Last Updated on 18th September 2019

Jessore Science and Technology University Application Begins 20 September

JUST Campus

Jessore Science and Technology University’s 2018-19 academic year (Engineering / Honor / Professional) application for the first year admission test starting from 20 September. The admission test will be held on 22 and 23 November. This information was given by the JUST Registrar through a notification.

It has been mentioned in the notification that all the applicants have to apply at the university’s website’s admission link- The last time for the application is on Friday, October 19 at 11 pm 59 minutes.

The admission test of JUST will be held on 22 & 23 November with the following time:

  • ‘A’ unit from 9:30 to 11 AM on 22 November
  • ‘B’ Unit from 12:30 to 2:00PM 22 November
  • ‘C’ Unit from 3:30 to 5:00 PM 22 November
  • ‘D’ Unit from 9:00AM to 10:30 AM on 23 November
  • ‘E’ Unit from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM on 23 November
  • ‘F’ Unit from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM on 23 November
See also  Barisal University Admission Test 23 and 24 November 2018

This year, there are 995 students in 26 departments under six faculties in six units will be admitted. In addition to these seats, reserved quota reserved for the children of the teachers / officers / employees working in the freedom fighters quota, minor ethnic group, disabled and JBPB will be kept.

Among them, Leather Technology, Physical Medicine, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Marketing and Bangla Division are under the approval of the University Grants Commission (UGC). Students will be admitted to the four departments subject to UGC approval.

After the admission test, the results of the admission test will be published by November 25. The admission process will start from 1 December. Orientation and Classes will be started on January 2, according to academic calendar.

See also  DU 7 College Honours Admission Circular 2020-2021

Detailed information regarding admission test can be found on website. Helpline +8801709818155, +8801818156 and +8801709818157 (morning 10am to 8pm) helpline will be open to help the applicant.