Last Updated on 2nd October 2024

Top Private Universities in Bangladesh 2024 | Ranking by stands as one of the world’s top five university-ranking organizations. Its renowned system evaluates universities globally based on a unique “compound index.” This index considers both the quantity of an institution’s web content (web pages and files) and the online impact and reach, measured by backlinks received.

Webometrics began its journey in 2004, and its esteemed ranking list is updated biannually, in January and July. Throughout its years of operation, Webometrics has provided valuable insights into universities’ digital presence and influence, impacting academic institutions worldwide.

Top Private Universities in Bangladesh by

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The Webometrics system ranks individual universities based on their web presence, visibility, and web access. This ranking is published by the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) located in Madrid, Spain. The ranking uses various metrics, including the number of web pages, external links, and scholarly publications, to evaluate a university’s online presence and impact.

Read: Private Universities in California | Private Colleges and Universities in California

In 2023, Webometrics published a ranking of the universities in Bangladesh according to the web presence, visibility, research and access by the students of the respective universities. The list of the top 30 private universities in Bangladesh 2023 ranking according to webometrics is given below: 

See also  Top 10 Private University 2024 in Bangladesh Ranked by Webometrics

Top Private Universities in Bangladesh 2024 | Ranked by

  1. North South University (NSU)
  2. Daffodil International University (DIU)
  3. BRAC University (BRACU)
  4. Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)
  5. American International University, Bangladesh (AIUB)
  6. East West University (EWU)
  7. Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology (AUST)
  8. International Islamic University, Chittagong (IIUC)
  9. United International University (UIU)
  10. University of Asia Pacific (UAP)
  11. Southeast University (SEU)
  12. International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT)
  13. Green University of Bangladesh (Green)
  14. University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh (ULAB)
  15. Stamford University, Bangladesh (SUB)
  16. USTC, Chattogram
  17. Northern University Bangladesh
  18. BGC Trust University Bangladesh
  19. Dhaka International University
  20. World University of Bangladesh
  21. Uttara University
  22. State University of Bangladesh
  23. Primeasia University
  24. Southern University Bangladesh
  25. Metropolitan University Sylhet
See also  Top Universities in Bangladesh by Citations in Google Scholar profiles


Top Private Universities in Bangladesh 2024 | Ranked by

Best Private Universities in Bangladesh by Webometrics Ranking 2022 



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