DU Publishes Revised ‘Ka Unit’ Admission Test Result
Last Updated on 27th October 2019
DU Published Revised ‘KA’ Unit Admission Test Results 2019
How to get DU KA Unit Result
Details of the Dhaka University KA Unit results can be found at “admission.eis.du.ac.bd” website. Applicants can be used to find out the results the following option: “DU <SPACE> KA <SPACE> ROLL & SEND TO 16321.”
How to Collect Subject Selection Form
Those who passed the admission test exam have to collect a form from the above website from October 28 to November 11, 2019 to choose their desired subjects under the Science and Engineering Faculty.
Students, chose under various quota frameworks need to gather their form from the Science Faculty Dean’s office between October 28 to November 3, and present the topped off the form back to a similar office. As to, understudies additionally need to contact a similar office inside a similar time frame.