Last Updated on 10th January 2019

HSTU Admission Test from 20 to 23 January 2019, there are 56 Candidates will take part in the admission test for 1 Seats

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University  (HSTU) in Dinajpur will hold the first year admission test for the academic year 2019 from 20 January to 23 January. 1 (one) lakh 12 thousand 192 students are taking part in the admission process for 2005 seats. As for that, there will be 56 candidates for one seat.

University Public Relations Director Dr. Sikder said according to the decision taken in the meeting of the admission committee, from roll number no. 700001 to 708347 ‘G’ unit from 9am to 10pm on Sunday, January 20, from 11am to 12pm ‘roll’ no. 708348 to 716694 and noon From 3pm until roll number of ‘g’ unit ranges from 716695 to 7505041. ‘C’ unit (trade) roll no. 300001 to 304193 till 3:30 pm. From roll no. 607706 to 61205 ‘F’ unit ‘F’ unit roll number no. 600001 to 607705 and from 11am to 12.30 pm, from 1:00 pm to 3pm ‘C’ unit (Science / Human) Roll No 350001 to 357705 and from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm ‘Science’ (Science / Human) roll number 357706 to 361411 The admission test will be held.

See also  Hamdard University Bangladesh Admission Fall 2018

Roll Number of ‘B’ unit from 9am to 10pm on Tuesday 22 January and from 11am to 12.30 pm, from roll number 209326 to 218612 from ‘b’ unit, from 1:00 pm to 3pm roll number of ‘d’ unit From 400001 to 407975 and from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm, the ‘no’ unit roll number 407976 to 415951 Will usthita.

From January 9 to 9 in the morning, from 9am to 10pm ‘A’ unit roll number 100001 to 107705 and from 11am to noon 12 roll number of ‘A’ unit from 107706 to 115410 and from 1:30 pm to 3pm roll number no. From 115411 to 123326 and from 3:30 pm to 5pm, the roll number of ‘E’ unit from 500001 to 501600 admission test program Have been. It is to be noted that, against the 2005 seats in the academic year, 1 lakh 12 thousand 192 students applied for admission to different units. Detailed information regarding admission test is available on the website