Last Updated on 18th November 2018

Results of ‘C’ and ‘D’ units were published in the first year of the Islamic University (IU) under the 2018-19 academic year, with lower conditions in the entrance test. On Sunday afternoon officially the results were handed over to the Vice Chancellor Professor Rashid.
As a result of the relaxation of conditions, the pass rate of ‘D’ unit is 5.84 percent. The third change in the unit has been changed from MCQA 40 percent to 30 percent. And in writing, pass number is reduced from 7 to 5. In this unit, 15 thousand 738 candidates took part in 550 seats for 3 seats. However, only 995 passed.

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This unit has 214 seats in the first shift, 215 in the second shift and 121 seats in the third shift. In it, the third changes were completed in MKQ and in writing and 102 passed. As a result, 19 seats in the vacant. The Central Entrance Examination Committee has reduced the conditions for filling these vacant seats.

‘D’ unit coordinator Prof. Dr. Mamtazul Islam said that according to the decision of Central entrance examination committee to fill the seats, the conditions were restored and to fill the position, fill the seats in D unit’s third shift and fill 19 seats Was given.

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At the same time, conditions in the ‘C’ unit written examination were comfortable. After resting the situation, the pass rate was 13.95 percent. However, before the situation is relaxed, rate at the rate of 5.11 percent.

The situation has been restored and instead of the number 7, it has been done. It was decided in the business branch because the seat was vacant. This unit has 450 seats. Out of these, 360 seats for trade arm and 90 seats for non-partisan branch have been allocated. All information related to the results of the University website ( can be found.