National University Called for Information for College Ranking 2018
Last Updated on 16th March 2019

At the national level, 8 best colleges (5 general, 1 government, 1 non-governmental and 1 female) and 8 divisions will be selected from the top 10 to 80 in each division, thus totaling 88 best colleges in the country will be selected.
It is to be noted that the selected colleges will be awarded prizes at the national level as well as the award and honors. The information related to the ranking of the KPI (Key Performance Indicators) ranking will be January 1, 2018 to 31 December 2018. In this regard, the colleges have been invited to fill the college ranking form -2018 by enrolling with the correct college code and password at at the National University website at college login (
Complete the online questionnaire and send it to Hardcopy Registrar, National University, 31 March, 2019.