Last Updated on 30th March 2018

List of Top Universities in Netherlands

Top Universities in Netherlands Higher education in the Netherlands is known for its international approach and its high quality. The Netherlands is part of mainland Europe. The Netherlands is also known as Holland and. Netherlands was the first non-native English speaking country that is offer courses taught in English to international students. All courses of Netherlands offered to international students are taught in English and Dutch.

The academic year for Dutch universities starts in September and runs at the end of June of the following year. The year is divided up into two semesters, with the second starting in early February. There is also a two-week break over Christmas and the New Year.

See also  Top Universities in Malta 2022 | Malta Universities Ranking

In the Netherlands, the following degrees are available:

  • Bachelor’s degrees
  • Master’s degrees
  • PhD
  • Postdoctoral research
  1. Utrecht University
  2. University of Amsterdam
  3. University of Groningen
  4. Delft University of Technology TU Delft
  5. VU University of Amsterdam
  6. Wageningen University & Research Centre
  7. Eindhoven University of Technology
  8. Erasmus University of Rotterdam
  9. University of Twente
  10. Radboud University
  11. Maastricht University
  12. Tilburg University
  13. Leiden University
  14. Open University
  15. Hanze University Groningen
  16. Hogeschool van Amsterdam HvA
  17. Breda University of Professional Education
  18. Saxion University of Professional Education
  19. Windesheim University of Professional Education
  20. Utrecht School of the Arts
  21. Northern University of Professional Education of Leeuwarden
  22. The Hague University of Applied Sciences
  23. Nyenrode Business University
  24. Avans University of Professional Education
  25. Hotelschool The Hague
  26. University for Humanistics
  27. TIAS School for Business and Society
  28. Stenden University
  29. Amsterdam School of the Arts
  30. Design Academy Eindhoven
  31. University College Roosevelt
  32. Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
  33. Royal Academy of Art The Hague
  34. Ede Christian University of Professional Education
  35. Royal Academy of Music and Dance
  36. Maastricht School of Management
  37. Protestant Theological University
  38. Royal Academy of Visual Arts
  39. STOAS Agricultural University of Professional Education
  40. Christian Institute for Higher Professional Education de Driestar
  41. TIO University of Aplied Sciences Tourism Professional Education
  42. Wittenborg Business University
  43. CAE Oxford Aviation Academy
  44. Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein
  45. Webster University Leiden
  46. Hotelschool Maastricht
  47. Kampen Theological University
  48. Business School Netherlands
  49. University of Leiden Campus The Hague
  50. University of Professional Education Schoevers
  51. Catholic University of Professional Education Zwolle
  52. Dirksen University of Professional Education
  53. Islamic University of Rotterdam
  54. Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn
  55. Network University
  56. Notenboom Business School
  57. Universiteit van Amsterdam Department of Media Studies
  58. Eurocollege Hogeschool
  59. Aeres Training Centre International
  60. KLM Flight Academy
  61. Marnix Academy
  62. TSM Business School
  63. Hogeschool NOVI
  64. European Pilot Selection and Training
  65. IPABO Amsterdam
  66. University of Professional Education in Midwifery Amsterdam Groningen
  67. DOC University of Professional Education
  68. School for Public Health and Primary Care CAPHRI