Last Updated on 12th January 2018

Seminar Presented by Dr. Anee Azim from Australia at EEE Department of SEU

Dr. AneeAzim, Research Engineer, Lockheed Martin- STELaRLab, Australiadelivered a seminar titled“STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Career Pathway for Individuals” on 11 January 2018at 11:00 am in the Seminar Hall of the permanent campus of Southeast University (SEU).

Prof. Syed Fakhrul Hassan, Dean (Acting), School of Science and Engineering (SSE) of Southeast University was present as the Chief Guest of the seminar. In his speech as the Chief Guest, he welcomed the seminar speaker to SEU and highlighted the importance of arranging such kind of seminar by various departments of SSE at SEU.

See also  EEE Department of SEU Organized EEE Festival 2018

Dr. AneeAzim talked about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) career pathway for individuals. In her talk, she discussed how she started and progressed with her STEM career journey, what is meant to be in STEM and importance of STEM in our everyday life. She also discussed about higher study in abroad, especially in Australia, application process, scholarship opportunities and life as a student in Australia. Faculty Members and students also took part in a lively question and answer session after her talk.

Dr. Engr. Muhibul Haque Bhuyan, Chairman of EEE Department chaired the seminar. Engr. Mehedi Azad Shawon, Lecturer and Coordinator of EEE Department conducted the seminar. A good number of Faculty Members, students and staff of the department were present in the seminar. In the end, the Chief Guest presented the seminar speaker a crest as a token of appreciation for the presenting the seminar.