Last Updated on 4th June 2018

EEE Department of SEU hosted a Seminar on Brain Engineering

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Southeast University (SEU) hosted a seminar on “Brain Engineering: Opportunities and Feasibilities” on 4th June 2018 at 10:00 am in the Seminar Hall of its permanent campus.

The objectives of the seminar were to disseminate knowledge on several branches of brain engineering, to create interests among the students as well as Faculty Members, to explore the unlimited power of brain, to improve the quality of life, to share the scopes of research, to search job opportunities in the fields of brain engineering etc. The seminar began with the opening speech and an introduction on the topic and seminar speaker by Dr. Engr. Muhibul Haque Bhuyan, Chairman of EEE Department.

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The key-note speaker of the seminar was Engr. SM Mahabub Alam, MD & CEO, Massive Star Studio Ltd. & Massive Business Academy. In his speech, he explained the structure and working principles of brain. He said that brain is one of the most astonishing and intricate parts of the human body and is the only source of our pleasures, joys, laughter and amusement as well as our sorrows, pains, grieves and tears. Then he highlighted on the recent advances in brain engineering sectors like CBI, BCI, IoT, AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Robotics, Neuromorphic Computing, Bio-net, Bio-education, Bio-Money, Bio-Business, Bio-Crime, and so on. After his presentation, there was a lively and interactive question and answer session with the Faculty Members and students.

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Prof. Dr. ANM Meshquat Uddin, Honorable Vice Chancellor of Southeast University chaired the session. In this speech, he talked about how brain engineering has revolutionized the world so far due to the advancement of engineering and medical science as well as the changes occurring in the society. He also emphasized that brain engineers should engage themselves in brain research to move forward in this regard. He said that he is very optimistic on the outcome of this kind of research. He urged the students to acquire knowledge on it.

Prof. Syed Fakhrul Hassan, Dean (Acting), School of Science and Engineering (SSE) of Southeast University gave the concluding remarks in the seminar. He thanked the speakers for presenting a nice and successful seminar. He encouraged the participants to take initiatives to do research on the topics discussed in this seminar.

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Engr. Mehedi Azad Shawon, Lecturer and Coordinator of EEE Department conducted the seminar. A good number of Faculty Members, students and staff of the department were present in the seminar. In the end, the Honorable Vice Chancellor presented the seminar speaker a crest as a token of appreciation for presenting the key-note speech of the seminar.