Last Updated on 15th November 2024

Study in Japan for international students| Scholarships, Visa, Cost, Programs and Universities

Study in Japan for International Students
Study in Japan for international students:- Japan’s economy is now economically advanced not only Japan is moving ahead in the education system also. Japan’s higher education standards have reached the level that it has been accepted and appreciated all over the world.
Students from different countries of the world are going to Japan for higher education. Students of Bangladesh can also get many opportunities to study After HSC pass, those who are interested to go abroad for higher education. While studying in Japan, you can find a scholarship.
Students can get a scholarship namely the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship in two ways. Applying for the Japanese Embassy can be obtained on a merit basis. Apart from this, any nominee professor from any of the leading educational institutions in Japan can write you a recommendation letter.
Besides, you can get a Rotary, Tokyo Foundation, or regional scholarship in Japan. There is a scholarship named Center of Excellence or COE. In Japan, contact specific organizations. And so, to improve our future, let’s learn some things to take higher education in Japan:

Name of the Degree’s in Japan

Four types of degrees;
1.  Associate Degree,
2. Bachelor’s Degree,
3. Master’s Degree and
4. Doctoral Degree

Admission session or educational year in Japan

Japanese educational institutions have the opportunity to get admission in two semesters annually. They are:
1. April 1 to September 30 and
2. 01 October to 31 March.
However, some institutions are admitted to the ‘Fem Semester’ (September-October).

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Japan:

Human Studies, Language Studies, History, Humanities, Educational Science, Law and Society, Public Law and Policy, Transnational Law and Policy, Economics, Management, Accounting, Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Geophysics, Chemistry, Geology, Mechanical Systems And Design, Educational Information, Environmental, Environmental Life Science, F The Information Science, International Relations and Area Studies, Bio-Science and Biotechnology, architecture, engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Material Science, Human-Social Information Sciences, Computer, and Mathematical Science.

Information for Bachelor’s Degree in Japan

A. Academic Level
1. At least 12 years of educational qualification (HSC or equivalent).
B. Language qualification’s Level
Must have adequate skills in the Japanese language. At least six months of Japanese language courses must be completed. Some organizations want TOEFL, CBT scores over 150 or TOEFL IBT scores of 52.
C. Other tests
International students will have to take an exam for admission to Japanese universities. Have a test on Japanese language skills.
D Course timeout
It will take two to three years to complete the Associate Degree. To complete a Bachelor’s degree, it takes four years for most universities and it takes six years for medical science.

Information for Master’s Degree

A. Academic Level
Must be at least 16 years of educational qualification.
B. Linguistic skills Level
1. Must have adequate skills in the Japanese language. At least six months of Japanese language courses must be completed. Some organizations want TOEFL CBT scores over 150 or TOEFL IBT scores higher than 52.
C. Course timeout
1. It will take two years to finish a master’s degree.
2. It will take three years to complete the Doctoral degree and it will take four to five years to complete the medical science.

Learning, Livelihood, and Other Costs in Japan

A. Tuition Fees
Tuition fees depend on the university. About 10 thousand dollars per year in national universities, and about $ 11,377 per year in local universities. Private universities will cost approximately $ 7,959 to $ 61,123 per year.
Those who go to study by the Japanese government’s scholarship do not have to pay the tuition fees. Government and private universities have many opportunities to get financial support for graduate level (Masters, Doctorate).
B. Other costs
Food, vehicles, travel, telephone, and other expenses will cost about 1,31,878 to 1,78,092 yen a year.
C. Accommodation Cost
45,000 to 74,250 yen per year.
D Health Insurance
Usually 18,000 yen per year.
It is better to travel insurance before going to Bangladesh.

How to apply for Study in Japan

1. For more information about the application information and the form, you can contact the organization’s office directly in writing.
2. If you want, you can download the application form from the university’s website.
3. Some universities have the facility of submitting online applications.
The admission authority will tell you the documentation, translation, and visa-related information.
To complete the necessary information and documentation, you can check at least one year before.

Following documents required

1. The application form will be filled in completely.
2. Must have an English copy of all educational documents including mark sheets.
3. School/college clearance will be required.
4. The documents to be submitted in the application form will be submitted.
5. The TOEFL test results are required.
6. You have to keep a photocopy of your passport.

Credit transfer facilities in Japan

1. Under-graduate and post-graduate students can make credit transfer.
2. Generally, more than 50 percent of the course’s credit transfer is not acceptable.
3. Most universities accept at least B grades.
4. The following information will be given at the concerned university:
  • Your undergraduate / post-graduate application should be shown.
  • You must show an official copy of your academic transcript.
  • You must attach an official letter from the head of the department where you have completed the course.
  • Your educational level description (eg: first year, second year)
  • A detailed description of the course.
  • Description of how many credits you have completed.
  • Description of the grading method used by your educational institution.
  • Description of the credit needed to complete the course.
See also  Best Universities in Japan for Higher Study | Japan University Rankings

Part-Time Jobs in Japan

Alongside studies, you can make part-time jobs. As a part-time job, you can work as fast food catering, salesperson, translator, computer worker, school teacher, tutor, bodyguard, and window cleaner.

Scholarships in Japan for Higher Study

1. Many scholarships can be found on the Japanese government’s education site.
2. Scholarship is also given to the public-private foundation of Japan.
3. Japanese Grand Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship. 

List of Japan Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships for International Students

  • JFUNU Scholarships for MSc students in Sustainability Programme for Developing Country
  • Fully-Funded Rotary Peace Fellowships for International Students
  • The National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) Scholarships
  • JFUNU Scholarships for the Students of Ph.D. in Sustainability Science
  • Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships for Young Leaders Program at GRIPS
  • ADB-Japan Scholarship Program for Developing Countries Students in Asia and the Pacific
  • Japanese Government Scholarships for International Undergraduate Students
  • Ting Hsin Scholarship at Waseda University
See also  Top National Universities in Japan for International Students

Embassies, Consulates and Permanent Missions of Japan


Best Japan Universities for International Students 

  1. The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
  2. Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
  3. Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech), Tokyo, Japan
  4. Osaka University, Osaka City, Japan
  5. Tohoku University, Sendai City, Japan
  6. Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
  7. Kyushu University, Fukuoka City, Japan
  8. Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
  9. Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
  10. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
  11. University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba City, Japan
  12. Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima City, Japan
  13. Kobe University, Kobe City, Japan
  14. Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), Tokyo, Japan
  15. Chiba University, Chiba City, Japan
  16. Yokohama City University, Yokohama City, Japan
  17. Hitotsubashi University, Kunitachi City, Japan
  18. Niigata University, Niigata City, Japan
  19. Nagasaki University, Nagasaki City, Japan
  20. Gifu University, Gifu City, Japan
See also  Scholarship for Study in Master's Program in Japan

Below is the address of some university websites:

  1. HTTP: // e.html
  13. htp: //
  14. ehtml
  18. en.html