Last Updated on 21st April 2017

Faculty Members and Student of Engineering School of SEU presented papers at BES National Conference

Faculty Members and Student of Engineering School of SEU presented papers at BES National Conference

Three Faculty Members and one student of Engineering School of Southeast University (SEU) presented five papers at the National Conference on Electronics and ICT organized by the Bangladesh Electronics Society (BES) on 20 April 2017.

The conference was held at the Auditorium of the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Center (BAEC), Dhaka. Former President of BES Prof. Dr. Farrukh Ahmed was the chief guest and Chairman of BAEC Dr. Engr. Md. Monjurul Haque was the special guest. Of the five papers, one invited talk entitled “Evolution of Novel Device Structures of MOSFET” was presented by Dr. Engr. MuhibulHaqueBhuyan, Chairman of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department and the other invited talk title was on “How to Build Customer Trust in Cloud Computing Model?” by Dr. Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Of the three contributory papers, paper on “Microcontroller Based High Precision Non-Contact Distance Measurement System Using Ultrasound” was presented by Dr. Engr. Muhibul Haque Bhuyan; paper on “Study on Accessibility of Telecom Devices and Broadband Internet Uses through Satellite in Rural Areas” was presented by Anika Aziz, Assistant Professor of EEE Department and paper on “Design and Development of a Microcontroller Based Automatic Blood Flow Monitoring and Controlling System” was presented by Md. Suman Ali, final year student of EEE Department. Besides, Dr. Engr. Muhibul Haque Bhuyan was the Session Chair of one Technical Session where 9 papers were presented and became the Member of the Executive Committee of BES Election 2017 for the third consecutive time.

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