Last Updated on 31st January 2017

Daffodil International University Cultural Club organized ‘Youth Fiesta’ the 1st DIU Inter University Cultural Festival 2017 on January 27, 2017 at the Auditorium of the university.

Participating Universities are: 1) University of Dhaka 2) Jahangirnagar University 3) Comilla University 4) North South University 5) BRAC University 6) American International University Bangladesh 7) Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology 8) University of Liberal Arts 9) Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), 10) Ibrahim Medical College and host 11) Daffodil International University.

Professor Dr. M. Golam Rahman Chief Information Commissioner, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh inaugurated the Fiesta as the Chief Guest while Bowla Gan Artist, Kiron Chandra Roy graced the occasion as the special guest. All these were informed in a ‘Meet the Press’ Program held at the Conference Room of the university on January 27, 2017.

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