Last Updated on 30th July 2018

BCS38th BCS written examination seat plan and routine has been published. It was published on Sunday on the Bangladesh Public Service Commission (PSC) website. In addition, the preliminary test seats of 39th Special BCS have also been published for the recruitment of doctors. PSC Chairman Dr. Mohammad Sadiq told, the written examination of the 38th BCS will begin on Wednesday 8th August. The examination will be conducted in eight divisions across the country till August 13. Meanwhile, the seating and scheduling of exams have been published on the PSC website.

For download 38th BCS Written Examination Schedule, Please Visit BPSC Website or This Link

He said the seating of the 39th Special BCS Preliminary Examination was also published. The special BCS test will be held on August 3 for recruitment of doctors. The examination will be held at the center of the capital from 3pm to 5pm. It is seen in the examination schedule that the examination of the 38th BCS written exam will start on August 8 in the English test. 9th August in Bangladesh, 11th August International Affairs, 12th August will be General Science and Technology and 13th August Bangla First and Second Test. Each test will start at 10am and will end at 2pm at Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal, Sylhet, Rangpur and Mymensingh Bivig centers. Candidates can not come with any type of electronic device, including watch, mobile, bag, calculator. In violation of this ban, it will be a punishable offense.

See also  40th BCS Seat Plan 2019 Published! Download from

According to sources, the results of the 38th BCS Preliminary Examination were published on February 28. In this, 16,866 candidates were elected. The test was held on January 29. Three lakh 46 thousand 532 candidates applied for this BCS preliminary examination. Preliminary examination is held in about 400 centers in the country. Two lakh 88 thousand 899 people took part in the examination. History of the Liberation War of Bangladesh included in the history of Bangladesh in the 38th BCS written examination syllabus.