Last Updated on 18th March 2019

British Council Bangladesh has recently introduced the Computer-based International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam system. At present, in Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet this test will be offered.

British Council IELTS Computer Based Exam SystemBritish Council said in a release that the new computer solution is pretty safe. Ability to offer advanced standards and management benefits. Instead of paper-based testing, the computer-based system is the new options for the exams. Candidates can now choose the time and date of their choice, which is more effective for them. IELTS results will be available within five to seven days of the test. In the computer-based system, the listening, writing and reading sections of the system should be given in the same way and in the same structure. The Speaking Test will be face-to-face with a trained IELTS tester as before. Because it is the most effective way to evaluate the ability of the tester to speak.

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It is said in the circular that both methods of paper or computer are acceptable and are universally acceptable in the English language proficiency test. The candidates who select the computer-based IELTS system will be given access to the test materials on their computers.

In this context, British Council Bangladesh Examination Exhibition Sebastian Pierce said that the opportunity to make the choice of time and date of the candidates preferred is really remarkable. Apart from this, it will allow the examinees to see our office at Dhaka University campus.

The first computer-based IELTS system was introduced in Australia in the year 2017. It is being phased out in the worldwide IELTS network.

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For more information on computer-based IELTS, you can visit the following websites: