Last Updated on 22nd February 2023

Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) Admission Test Circular 2022-2023

BUP Admission Test Circular

Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) has published the admission advertisement for the first-year undergraduate admission test for the academic year 2022-23. The admission circular has also highlighted the eligibility of the application along with the date of the admission test. The admission test will be held on the 24th and 25th of next month (March.

See also  Rajshahi University Application for Admission Starts frpm 03 September

Read: Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) Admission Circular 2022-23

According to BUP admission circular, students can apply online from tomorrow Thursday (February 23). Application for admission can be made till March 15. Students have to apply through

According to the information in the admission circular, the admission test for the Arts and Social Science Faculty will be held for an hour on March 24 from 10 am to 11 pm. The Security and Strategic Faculty admission test will be held on that day from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM.

Read: MBBS Admission Test 2022-2023 Circular

Science and Technology Faculty admission test will be held on March 25 from 10 am to 11 pm. On the same day, the admission test of the Faculty of Business Studies will be conducted from 3 pm to 4 pm.

See also  BUP Admission Test Circular 2020-2021 |

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BUP Undergraduate Programs

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  1. BSS (Hons) in Economics
  2. BA (Hons) in English
  3. BSS (Hons) in Public Administration
  4. BSS (Hons) in Development Studies
  5. BSS (Hons) in Disaster Management and Resilience (DMR)
  6. BSS (Hons) in Sociology

Faculty of Business Studies

  1. BBA (General)
  2. BBA in Accounting & Information Systems
  3. BBA in Management Studies
  4. BBA in Finance & Banking
  5. BBA in Marketing

Faculty of Science and Technology

  1. BSc in Information and Communication Engineering (BICE)
  2. B.Sc. (Hons) in Environmental Science (BES)
  3. BSc in Computer Science and Engineering
See also  IUT Admission Test Starts on March 19, Candidates list published

Faculty of Security and Strategic Studies

  1. BSS (Hons) in International Relations (IR)
  2. LLB (Hons) in Law
  3. BSS (Hons) in Mass Communication & Journalism
  4. BSS (Hons) in Peace, Conflict and Human Rights Studies

BUP Graduate Programs

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  1. MSS in Disaster Management and Resilience (MDMR)
  2. MSS in Economics
  3. Master of Arts in English Literature & Cultural Studies
  4. MSS in Development Studies
  5. MSS in Public Administration
  6. Master of Arts in English Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics
  7. Master of Development Studies (MDS-Professional)
  8. MSS in Sociology

Faculty of Business Studies

  1. Master of Business Administration (MBA) – Regular
  2. MBA Professional
  3. Master of Business Administration In Accounting & Information Systems
  4. Master of Business Administration in Management Studies (HRM)
  5. MBA in Finance & Banking
  6. Master of Business Administration in Marketing

Faculty of Security and Strategic Studies

  1. Master of Peace, Conflict and Human Rights Studies (MPCHRS)
  2. Master of Laws (LLM-Professional)
  3. Master of International Relations (MIR)
  4. Master of Laws (LLM)
  5. MSS in Mass Communication and Journalism

Faculty of Science and Technology

  1. Masters in Information Systems Security (MISS)
  2. Masters in Information and Communication Technology (MICT)
  3. Masters in Environmental Science and Management
  4. Masters in Information and Communication Engineering (MICE)

Faculty of Medical Studies

  1. Master of Pubic Health