Last Updated on 15th February 2018

ASHFoundation Graduate Scholarship for International Students 

The ASHFoundation Board Program Committee oversees the review process of all ASHFoundation research grants, scholarships, and clinical achievement awards.

Sponsored by the Kala Singh Memorial Fund, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation provides tuition assistance scholarships for full-time international students who are studying communication sciences and disorders at an accredited graduate institution within the United States. With the goal of encouraging international students to become speech language pathologists, audiologists, or communication science researchers, all applicants must demonstrate outstanding career achievement and superior overall academic standing.

Graduate Student Scholarship
Supports graduate students who demonstrate academic achievement and promise.

See also  Fully-Funded Oxford University Scholarships for Developing Country Students: Apply Now for the Rhodes Scholarship

For: Students (who are undergraduate seniors accepted to a master’s program or students currently pursuing master’s or doctoral (research or clinical) degrees)

Award: Up to 15 scholarships of $5,000 each

Deadline: May 23, 2018; competition opens soon.

When applying for the Graduate Student Scholarship, you will be able to indicate if you would also like to be considered for the following scholarship categories. You are able to apply for any that you are eligible for, but you will receive a maximum of one award.

ASHFoundation Graduate Scholarship for International Students
2200 Research Blvd.
Rockville, MD 20850
(301) 296-8700
[email protected]

For further information please visit the following Website:

See also  Study at Essex University in UK with Scholarship