Last Updated on 30th August 2019

Celebration of Achieving IEB Accreditation 

Green University of Bangladesh is one of the leading private universities in Bangladesh. Last year, two programs of the university got IEB accreditation. The name of the two programs are :

  1. BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
  2. BSc in Computer Science and Engineering

Celebration of Achieving IEB AccreditationFor this reason, the faculty members of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering along with senior administrative officers of the university were offered a pleasant trip to Cox’s Bazar in order to celebrate their achievements in getting BAETE accreditation from Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB). The total number of 35 faculty members and officers was also accompanied by their family members. This is a unique arrangement organized by the Faculty of Science and Engineering to incentivize teachers and officers to contribute more in future for the academic development of the University. This trip was sponsored by US-Bangla Airlines.

See also  Round Table Discussion at Green University

Read Green University of Bangladesh Admission, Programs, Ranking Information

Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Green University, informed with great joy and happiness that the students, faculty members, and staffs of the university are highly committed to render quality education in the fields of science and engineering. The Departments of Computer Science and Engineering and the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering started Outcome Based Education from January 2019. The Department of Textile Engineering has taken preparation to start such processes from Fall 2019. The syllabuses of all these three departments have recently been updated and high quality faculty members have been recruited to conduct quality teaching and research activities. He paid special thanks to the honorable Chairman, Board of Trustees, Vice-Chancellor and Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University for supporting the celebration trip.

See also  EEE Department of SEU Organized EEE Festival 2018

See Also, Top 20 Private Universities in Bangladesh 2019