Last Updated on 6th May 2019


Results of Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and equivalent exams 2019 have been published today the 06 May 2019. The pass rate of the examination is 82.20 percent. Education Minister Dr. Dipu Moni announced the results of the SSC and equivalent examinations. The pass rate of this examination is 82.20 percent. Out of this, 82 percent 80 percent of SSC, 83 percent in zero-zero and 72.2 percent in the madrasa. Now, one lakh 5 thousand 594 people have got GPA-5.

In this year 21 lakh 35 thousand 333 students took part in SSC and equivalent examinations. Of these 10 lakh 64 thousand 892 students and 10,70,441 students.

How to get SSC Exam Result 2019


  • General Education Boards: The results of SSC and equivalent exams will be available through mobile SMS. For this, write SSC by typing the first three letters of the name of the board and entering the roll number by entering the space again by entering the space year and send it to 16222.SSC<Space>First 3 letters of board name<Space> Roll Number<Space>2019 and then send to 16222Example : SSC Dha 654321 2019
  • For Madrasah Board: write the first three letters of the board by entering Dakhil and then entering the roll number with space and sending the pass year with the space to send to 16222.
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Dakhil<Space>MAD <Space> Roll Number<Space>2019 and then send to 16222

Example : Dakhil MAD 654321 2019

  • Vocational Education Board: Besides, for SSC vocational examination of the technical board, please write the first three letters of the board by typing ssc and typing the roll number by typing the space and typing the pass year by entering the number 16222

SSC<Space>TEC<Space> Roll Number<Space>2019 and then send to 16222

Example: SSC TEC 654321 2019

  • You can also download the results at website.

In the meantime, Rajshahi Board is standing at the top of the examination. This year, the pass rate of the Rajshahi Board was 91.64 percent, which was 86 percent last year, 7 percent. On Monday, the Education Minister announced the results of SSC and equivalent examinations. In this year’s examination, 82 percent 80 percent of SSC students, 83 percent zero-zero percent in Madrasa and 72.2 percent of the students in the pass percentage passed. According to the figures of the fruit, the pass rate of Rajshahi Board was 91.64 percent. The Sylhet Board is sitting below the rate at all. The pass rate of the board is 70.33 percent. Besides, pass rate of 79.66 percent in Dhaka, 87.06 percent in Comilla, 77.41 percent in Barisal, 90.88 percent in Jessore Board, 78.11 percent in Chittagong Board and 84.1 percent in Dinajpur Board. Now, 22 thousand 795 examinees have got GPA-5 in Rajshahi Board.

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Education Board wise SSC Results and passing rate and number of GPA-5

Board Side rate (%) GPA-5 Pass rate (%) Pass rate


  2019   2018 2017
Dhaka 79.62 29687 81.48 86.39
Rajshahi 91.64 22,295 86.07 90.70
Comilla 87.16 8764 80.40 59.03
Jessore 90.88 9948 76.64 80.04
Chittagong 78.11 7393 75.50 83.99
Barisal 77.41 4189 77.71 77.24
Sylhet 70.83 2,757 70.42 80.26
Dinajpur 84.10 9023 77.62 83.98
Madrasa 83.03 6287 70.89 76.20
Tech 72.24 4751 71.96 78.69
Total 82.20 105594 77.77 80.35

Previous Results

SSC BD result 2017: Candidates waiting to get their SSC result 2017 dont need to wait much. As per the updates, SSC BD Result 2017 will be declared on May 4 on the official website

This year’s Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination results show an over eight-percent drop in the pass rate from last year. This year 80.35 per cent students passed while last year the figure was 88.29.

This year, 17,86,613 students—9,10,501 boys and 8,76,112 girls—participated in the examinations.

Bangladesh SSC results 2016 successfully announced the exam results for different boards including, Barisal, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Comilla, Dhaka, Dinajpur, Jessore, Sylhet, Madrasah, Technical and DIBS (Dhaka) on the same day.

After the formal announcement, the examinees will get their results from the respective centres, websites of their respective boards and also through mobile short message service (SMS).

To receive the results through SMS, one needs to type the word SSC, then the first three letters of the respective board (for example DHA for the Dhaka Board), leave a space and type the roll number, another space and year in 4 digits (e.g. 2017) and then send the message to 16222.

Around 17.86 lakh students under 10 education boards appeared for this year’s SSC and equivalent exams which began on February 2.

the pass rate in SSC alone is 81.21 percent. In Comilla the pass rate was 59.03 percent, Dinajpur 83.98 percent, Sylhet 80.26 percent, and Barisal 77.28 percent.

Reportedly, the GPA 5 achievers in Comilla cumulated to 4,4500, in Dinajpur 6,929, Sylhet 2,663, and Barisal 2,288.

In vocational exams, the overall pass rate was 78.69 percent. In madrassa, the pass rate is 76.20 percent.

The results will be available on the website http://