Last Updated on 1st August 2016

The University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC) wants power to appoint an observers to the boards of trustee of all private universities to increase the supervision on them following allegations of militant activities in few private universities in Bangladesh.

The UGC has already recommended to the government to amend the Private University Act 2010 and incorporate a provision to allow to appoint an observers to the trustee boards.

Prof Abdul Mannan, UGC Chairman said this at a briefing yesterday. Mannan said a UGC investigation team visited the NSU main campus in the city’s Bashundhara area following the Holey Artisan attack.  “The team found books and other written materials of the banned militant outfit Hizb ut-Tahrir at the university library. Besides, we also found financial, administrative and academic anomalies of the university,” added the UGC chairman.

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Sheikh Kabir Hossain, president of the Private University Association of Bangladesh, said he didn’t agree with the UGC proposal. “I don’t think there is any logic behind appointing UGC observers to the trustee boards as there are government and UGC representatives in a university’s syndicate committee that runs the institution,” he said.