Last Updated on 8th August 2019

SUST Admission Test Circular 2019-2020

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology












Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) is a Govt funded public university. SUST is located in Sylhet, Bangladesh. It is the first university to adopt American credit system in Bangladesh. It is the 8th oldest university of the country. Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) was established in 1987. SUST has 7 schools, 27 departments , 2 institutes and and a number of centers. The number of teachers has grown to 487 and the students to 9262. Besides, the University has 8 affiliated medical colleges under the School of Medical Sciences with 2744 students.

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) admission test 2019-2020 date has not yet been published. We will publish the admission test advertisement of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) when the authority of SUST announce it.

SUST Admission Test 2019-2020 at a Glance

  • Date of Online Application Process Start: 
  • Deadline of Online Application:
  • Date of Admission Test: 26 October 2019

SUST Undergraduate Admission Requirements 2019-2020

SUST enrolls undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students. Students who want to get admission into SUST need to pass the admission test which is highly competitive. Admission tests are arranged by the specific departments under the authority of the admission committee. For the 2015-2016 academic session, 41,285 candidates competed on the admission test for 1,448 first-year undergraduate seats. The acceptance rate of SUST is 3.51%.

An applicant who passed SSC or Equivalent exam in 2015 or 2016 and HSC or Equivalent exam in 2017 or 2018.  Students Must have Minimum GPA 3.00 in SSC & HSC both exam. students are requested to see SUST website or official advertisements of sust for latest admission requirements.

See also  JUST Admission Test Circular 2019-2020 |

SUST Schools and Departments

  1. School of Agriculture and Mineral Sciences
    Department of Forestry And Environmental Science
  2. School of Applied Sciences and Technology
    Department of Architecture (ARC), Department of Chemical Engineering & Polymer Science (CEP), Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE), Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE), Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE), Department of Food Engineering & Tea Technology (FET), Department of Industrial & Production Engineering (IPE), Department of Mechanical Engineering (MEE), Department of Petroleum & Mining Engineering (PME), Department of Software Engineering (SWE)
  3. School of Life Sciences
    Department of Bio-Chemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB), Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (GEB)
  4. School of Management and Business Administration
    Department of Business Administration, SUST
  5. School of Medical Sciences: 6 affiliated medical colleges:
    M A G Osmani Medical College, Sylhet
    Sheikh Hasina Medical College, Habiganj
    Jalalabad Ragib-Rabeya Medical College
    North East Medical College
    Sylhet Women’s Medical College
    Park View Medical College
  6. School of Physical Sciences
    Department of Chemistry (CHE), Department of Geography & Environment (GEE), Department of Mathematics (MAT), Department of Physics (PHY), Department of Statistics (STA), Department of Oceanography (OCG)
  7. School of Social Sciences
    Department of Anthropology (ANP), Department of Bangla (BNG), Department of Economics (ECO), Department of English (ENG), Department of Political Studies (PSS), Department of Public Administration (PAD), Department of Social work (SCW), Department of Sociology (SOC)
See also  7 Agricultural Universities Admission Notice 2019-2020

SUST Affiliated colleges

  • SUST has the following affiliated colleges:
  • Sylhet Engineering College
  • Durre Samad Rahman Women’s Red Crescent Medical College
  • Sylhet Nursing College
  • North East Nursing College

SUST Admission Test Notice 2018-2019

SUST Admission Guidelines 2018-2019

SUST Admission Test Prospectus 2018-2019

See All Public University Admission Test Dates 2018-2019

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  2. Barisal University Admission Test 
  3. Khulna University (KU) Admission Test 
  4. Chittagong University (CU) Admission 
  5. Jahangirnagar University Admission Test 
  6. BUTEX Admission Notice 2018-2018
  7. Dhaka University Admission Test Circular 2018-19
  8. SUST Admission Test Circular 2018-2019
  9. BRUR Admission Test 2018-2019
  10. NSTU Admission Test Notice 2018-19
  11.  CUET Admission Test 2018-2019 
  12. RUET Admission Test Circular 2018-2019
  13. KUET Admission Test Notice 2018-2019
  14. HSTU Admission Test Circular
  15. PSTU Admission Test Circular
  16. Pabna University of Science and Technology (PUST) Admission Test Notice 2018
  17. BUP Admission Test 2018-2019
  18. Bangladesh Agricultural University
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  20. Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Admission Test Circular
  21. Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University Admission
  22. Jessore University of Science & Technology Admission Information
  23. bangabandhu sheikh mujibur rahman agricultural university Admission Test Date
  24. Sylhet Agricultural University (SAU) Admission Test Date
  25. Islamic University Kushtia Admission Test Date
  26. BSMRSTU Admission Test 2018-2019 Circular
  27. CVASU Admission Test Date 2018-2019

Ranking of the universities in Bangladesh

See also  Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX) Admission Notice 2019-2020

SUST Campus
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Kumargaon, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
Phone : PABX : 880-821-713491, 714479,
713850, 717850, 716123, 715393
FAX : 880-821-715257, 725050
Website :
E-mail : [email protected]

SUST Admission
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Admission Notice 2018-19. Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) Admission Test Date 2017-18 has been announced. Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Admission Test 2018-19 will be held on 13 October 2018. Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Admission Test 2018-19 related all information will be found in Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) website at

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