Last Updated on 22nd March 2018

Top Universities in Finland | Finland Universities Ranking 2018

Ranking of the Finland Universities 2018Finland is a Northern European nation bordering Sweden, Norway and Russia. Its capital, Helsinki. Higher education in Finland has long been government subsidized. For students in EU/EEA countries, tuition fees are free – making Finland a very attractive study destination for students in Europe. Non EU/EEA students will be required to pay annual tuition fees for Bachelors and Masters courses from August 2017. 38 percent of Finland’s population has a university or college degree, which is among the highest percentages in the world.

List of Top Universities in Finland 

  1. University of Helsink
  2. Aalto University
  3. University of Turku
  4. University of Oulu
  5. Jyväskylä University
  6. Tampere University of Technology
  7. University of Tampere
  8. University of Vaasa
  9. Abo Akademi University
  10. University of Eastern Finland
  11. University of the Arts Helsinki
  12. Lappeenranta University of Technology
  13. Hanken School of Economics
  14. University of Lapland
  15. Laurea University of Applied Sciences
  16. Turku University of Applied Sciences
  17. Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
  18. Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
  19. Haaga Helia University of Applied Sciences
  20. United Nations University
  21. Jyvaskyla University of Applied Sciences
  22. Centria University of Applied Sciences
  23. Oulu University of Applied Sciences
  24. HAMK University of Applied Sciences
  25. Novia University of Applied Sciences
  26. Savonia University of Applied Sciences
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