Last Updated on 23rd March 2021

The final application process for the first year admission test of Rajshahi University (RU) is starting from today, on 23 March 2021 Tuesday. The application will start from 12 noon today and will continue till the last day of this month (31 March). The results of the preliminary application were published on the university’s website on Monday evening.

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As per notification of the Rajshahi University, the final application will be accepted in three stages. The selected candidates must apply in these stages within the stipulated time of that stage. There will be no more opportunity to apply later.

RU Admission Test Application Process

1 lakh 35 thousand students who were initially selected will be able to apply in the first step.

  • First Stage: The application will start at 12 noon on March 23 and will continue till 3 pm on March 27.
  • Second Stage: If the application is not completed within this period, the students will be able to apply in the second stage from 8 pm on March 27 to 6 pm on March 29.
  • Third Stage: In the next or third step, the students who are behind the list will be able to apply from 10 pm on March 29 to 12 noon on March 31.
See also  JnU A, B and C units Selected Applicants List published

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The minimum GPA (HSC) of the final applicants of the first stage

Unit Science Humanities Business Studies
A 5.00 4.43 4.92
B 5.00 4.50
C 5.00 5.00 4,.92

There is no chance of final application without GPA-5 in science
Rajshahi University has published the list of final applicants for the first year admission test. Where students wishing to be admitted in the science department of each unit will need GPA-5 in the final application. According to the notification, the minimum GPA for students wishing to be admitted in ‘A’ unit is 5 in Science, 4.43 in Humanities and 4.92 in Commerce. GPA-5 for Science students and 4.50 for Humanities students to apply for B unit. However, as the number of initial applicants in the commerce branch is less than the prescribed number, everyone can apply for the final.

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Apart from this, to apply for ‘C’ unit, students of science department have to have GPA-5, students of humanities department have to have GPA-5 and students of commerce department have to have GPA-4.92.

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Schedule of the Final Application

  • First phase: 23/03/2021 at 12:00 noon to 27/03/2021 at 3:00 pm.
  • Second stage: 27/03/2021 at 08:00 pm to 29/03/2021 at 8:00 pm.
  • Third stage: 29/03/2021 at 10:00 pm to 31/03/2021 at 12:00 pm.

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RU Admission Test 2020-2021 | Total Seats

RU has a total of 4 thousand 191 seats in 3 units
This year admission test will be held in three units in 4,191 seats. There are 2,019 seats in ‘A’ (Faculty of Arts, Law, Social Sciences and Fine Arts and Institute of Education and Research), 560 in ‘B’ (Faculty of Business Education and Institute of Business Administration) and 560 in ‘C’ (Faculty of Agriculture and Science). There are 1 thousand 612 seats. Each unit will be divided into three separate shifts. Admission test of three units will be held in three days over three weeks.

See also  Admission Test Results of 'A' and 'C' Units of Rajshahi University Published

RU Admission test will be in MCQ

This time the test will be held in 100 number multiple choice question (MCQ) system. Number 1 will be deducted for five wrong answers. Minimum pass number 40 in the exam. This time only students who have passed higher secondary in 2020 will be able to apply.

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In Rajshahi University, in the academic year 2020-21, the admission test for the first year of graduation (honors) will be held in MCQ question system only. This time there will be no written test. Apart from this, students will not get the opportunity to take the admission test for the second time.