Last Updated on 3rd March 2021

Dhaka University Admission Test Information 2020-2021

Dhaka University Admission Test

Dhaka University Admission Test 2021: Dhaka University has published the admission circular for the first year of graduation (honors) of the 2020-21 academic year. The students will take part in the admission test under five units from May 21 to June 5, 2021. According to a press release issued by Dhaka University, the online application process for admission of candidates will start from 4 pm on March 8 and will continue till 11:59 pm on March 31. The last date for depositing money is 11:59 pm on April 1. Admission tests will be held in eight divisional cities of the country including Dhaka.

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Who is Eligible to Apply for the DU Admission Test

Among the students who have passed the secondary or equivalent examination from 2015 to 2016 and the HSC or equivalent examinations in 2020, who can fulfill the prescribed conditions for admission in different units of DU, can apply for admission in the graduate (honors) programs. Candidates can apply online from 4 pm on 08 March to 11:59 pm on March 31, 2021 from the computer with internet facility through the admission website of Dhaka University (

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DU Admission Test at a Glance

  • DU Total Departments: 84
  • Total Seats: 7630
  • Total Units: 5
  • Online Application Process Starts: 08 March 2021
  • Online Application Process Ends: 31 March 2021
  • Last date of payment: 01 April 2021
  • Application Fee: Tk. 450.00
  • Admit Card Download: Admit card can be download from du website

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DU Admission TEST Marking System and Time Duration

In the admission test of ‘KA’, ‘KHA’, ‘GA’ and ‘GHA’ units, students have to give multiple choice of 60 marks in 45 minutes and a written test of 40 marks in 45 minutes. However, 30 minutes will be allotted for 40 marks in the theoretical examination of ‘CHA’ unit and 45 minutes will be allotted for the examination of written 60 (drawing) marks.

Unit Wise DU Admission Test 2020-2021 Dates

According to the decision, the admission test will be held on the following dates:

  • the “Ka” unit (science faculty) on 21 May 2021
  • the “KHA” unit (arts faculty) on 22 May 2021
  • the “Ga” unit (business studies faculty) on 27 May 2021
  • the “Gha” unit (social sciences faculty) on 28 May 2021
  • the “Cha” unit (fine arts faculty and drawing) on 05 June 2021
  • The time of the admission test for all unit are same as 11 a.m. to 12 noon

Dhaka University Honors Admission Requirement

  • KA Unit: Candidates must have a total GPA of 8.50 (with 4th subject) in SSC and HSC level exams but must have a minimum GPA of -3.5 in SSC or HSC
  • KHA Unit: Candidates must have a total GPA of 8.00 (with 4th subject) in SSC and HSC level exams but must have a minimum GPA of -3.0 in SSC or HSC
  • GA Unit: Candidates must have a total GPA of 8.00 (with 4th subject) in SSC and HSC level exams but must have a minimum GPA of -3.5 in SSC or HSC
  • GHA Unit: Candidates must have a total GPA of 8.00 (with 4th subject) in SSC and HSC level exams but must have a minimum GPA of -3.0/3.5 in SSC or HSC
  • Cha Unit: Candidates must have a total GPA of 7.00 (with 4th subject) in SSC and HSC level exams but must have a minimum GPA of -3.0 in SSC or HSC

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KA Unit of DU Admission Test Details Information

Students of Science, Biology, Pharmacy, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Engineering and Technology and related institutes can apply. The departments/institutes under which one can apply for admission under this unit will be mentioned in detail in the admission guide of the unit given on the website.

Among the candidates who have passed the Alim and IGCSE / O Level and IAL / GCE A Level examinations in the Science and Agriculture branch of the Higher Secondary and Madrasa Education Board, the sum of the GPAs obtained in the Secondary and Higher Secondary or equivalent examinations (including 4th subject) is at least 8.5 (Secondary / Secondary). Equivalent and Higher Secondary / Equivalent examinations must have a minimum GPA-3.5), they can apply for admission. Departments/subjects in the Faculty of Science, Biology, Pharmacy, Earth and Environmental Sciences, and Engineering and Technology Admission guidelines provided on the website will contain details.

KHA Unit of DU Admission Test Details Information

All departments of the Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences and Law and the Department of Geography and Environment of the Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Biology, Social Welfare of the Institute of Social Welfare and Research, Education of the Institute of Education and Research, (B.Ed Honors), Modern Language Institute Courses and topics in Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies at the Institute of Health Economics, Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies.

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Humanities students and those who have at least two humanities subjects in IGCSE / O Level and IAL / GCE A Level or equivalent examination can apply. The departments/institutes under which one can apply for admission under this unit will be mentioned in detail in the admission guide of the unit given on the website. Students who have passed the Higher Secondary or equivalent examination in the humanities branch cannot be admitted in the departments of this unit through ‘Transfer Unit’.

Among the candidates who have passed the Higher Secondary and Madrasa Education Board Humanities Alim examinations in the humanities branch, the sum of the GPAs obtained in the secondary and higher secondary or equivalent examinations (including 4th subject) is a minimum of 8.0 (secondary/equivalent and higher secondary/equivalent examinations separately minimum GPA-3). Must have) Yes, they can apply for admission. The conditions for obtaining minimum grade/grade points in the Higher Secondary or equivalent examination and the departmental conditions will be detailed in the admission guide given on the website.

GA Unit of DU Admission Test Details Information

Students who have passed Business Education and IGCSE / O Level and IAL / GCE A Level or equivalent examination can apply. The departments under which one can apply for admission under this unit will be mentioned in detail in the admission guide of the unit given on the website.

Among the candidates who have passed the Higher Secondary, Diploma in Commerce and Business Management examinations in the business education branch, the GPA obtained in the Secondary and Higher Secondary or equivalent examinations (including 4th subject) should have a minimum GPA of 8.0 (Secondary / Equivalent and Higher Secondary / Equivalent examinations with a minimum of 3 Will be), they can apply for admission. Candidates with Diploma in Commerce and Business Management at the higher secondary level must have an accounting subject and have a minimum ‘B’ grade (grade point 3.0) in that subject. Other conditions prescribed by the unit will be detailed in the admission guide given on the website.

Candidates belonging to ‘GA’ unit can only be admitted in the seats of the departments affiliated to the Faculty of Business Studies. They will not have any chance of admission in ‘KA’, ‘KHA’ and ‘GHA’ unit sections through ‘C’ unit examination. However, in the departments of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the candidates have to take the admission test through the ‘GHA’ unit.

GHA Unit of DU Admission Test Details Information

Students of Humanities / Science / Business Education / IGCSE / O Level and IAL / GCE A Level or equivalent can apply. The departments/institutes under which one can apply for admission under this unit will be mentioned in detail in the admission guide of the unit given on the website. Candidates who have passed the Alim Examination in the Humanities Branch of the Secondary and Higher Secondary and Madrasa Education Board in the Humanities Branch should have a minimum GPA of 8.0 (Secondary / Equivalent and Higher Secondary / Equivalent examinations separately 3.0) Yes, they can apply for admission.

Candidates from Science, Agricultural Science, Home Economics and Science Branch of Madrasa Education Board who have obtained GPA in Secondary and Higher Secondary or equivalent examinations (including 4th subject) should have a minimum GPA of at least 8.5 (Secondary / Equivalent and Higher Secondary / Equivalent examinations should have a minimum of 3.5). Yes, they can apply for admission.

Candidates from Higher Secondary, Diploma in Commerce and Business Management in Business Education who have obtained GPA in Secondary and Higher Secondary or equivalent examinations (including 4th subject) should have a minimum GPA of 8.0 (Secondary / Equivalent and Higher Secondary / Equivalent examinations separately. ) Yes, only they can apply for admission.

Applications below ‘B’ grade (Grade point-3.0) in any subject in Higher Secondary or equivalent examination will not be accepted. The conditions for obtaining minimum grade/grade points in the Higher Secondary or equivalent examination in the subject for which you wish to be admitted under this unit or in the approved subject related to that subject and the departmental conditions will be detailed in the admission guide given on the website.

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CHA Unit of DU Admission Test Details Information

History of Drawing and Illustration, Graphic Design, Printmaking, Oriental Art, Pottery, Sculpture, Crafts and Art. Candidates who have passed in any branch of Higher Secondary or Equivalent Examination have a minimum GPA of 7.0 (Secondary / Equivalent and Higher Secondary / Equivalent Examinations must have a minimum GPA-3.0 separately) in Secondary and Higher Secondary or Equivalent Examinations, they apply for admission. Can. The conditions for obtaining minimum grade/grade points in the Higher Secondary or equivalent examination and the departmental conditions will be detailed in the admission guide given on the website.

Instructions to the examinees

Candidates wishing to apply to any unit of the Dhaka University in the first year undergraduate (honors) program under the academic year 2020-21 are strictly prohibited from using mobile phones, calculators, clocks, and pens with electronic devices in the examination centers. If you want to know any information related to admission which is not mentioned in the admission guide given on the website, you have to contact the concerned unit office.

Duties of the applicant (General Information for all applications)

Application for admission in any unit can be made from the website Application for admission will require the student’s SSC and HSC information, current address and mobile number, parent’s national identity card number (optional), quota, and a scanned photograph of the student who is interested in taking the test at the departmental city center. The admission application fee can be paid immediately online or in four govt banks (Sonali, Janata, Agrani and Rupali) within the stipulated time frame. Detailed information on the application and fee deposit can be found on that website.

To determine the equivalent of your certificates

To apply as an equivalent applicant, that means students who have passed A-Level / O-Level / Equivalent foreign courses or Open University, go to and apply online under ‘Equal Application’ or ‘Equivalence Application’ menu. The prescribed fee has to be paid. They will be able to apply for the admission test by logging on to the same website as normal students using the ‘Equivalence ID’ obtained after the equality assessment.

Dhaka University Unit Wise Admission Test Prospectus

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Information of Previous Years Admission Test of Dhaka University

Admission Test Question Pattern

1. Dhaka University Admission Test Exam Topics (A Unit):

Only Science background students can apply in this unit (A Unit). In this unit following subjects will be covered – Physics, Chemistry, Math / Biology, Fourth subject / Bengali / English .

Distribution of Exam Marks:
Total mark 200
Admission Test – 120
(HSC GPA x 10) + (SSC GPA x 6) = 80

N.B: The admission test will have 120 MCQ questions, each of which is the value of 1. That is, 120 marks will be held and the total time is 1 hour and 30 minutes.

2. Dhaka University Admission Test Exam Topics (B Unit):

Only Humanities students will be able to apply for the B Unit Admission Test. In this unit following subjects will be covered: Bengali, English and general knowledge are three.

Bengali = 30
English = 30
General Knowledge (Bangladesh and International Affairs) = 60
Total = 100
Exam Mark Details:
Total mark 200
Admission Test – 120
(HSC GPA x 10) + (SSC GPA x 6) = 80

There will be 100 MCQ queries, each question marks will be 1.2 marks. That is, 120 marks will be held and the total time is 1 hour. Each question will be deducted 0.30 from the number received for the wrong answer and the total pass mark will be 48. All candidate will have to pass individual subject like Bangla – 8 marks, English -8 marks and General Knowledge – 17 marks.

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3. Dhaka University Admission Test Exam Topics (C Unit):

Only business studies students can apply for C Unit. There will be a total of 100 questions in 120 numbers. And 1 hour will be scheduled for the exam.

Distribution of Marks for C unit:

English -30
Management – 30
Total -120
The number will be deducted for the wrong answer. A correct answer number will be deducted for every 5 wrong answers. That means, for every wrong answer, 0.24 will be deducted from obtained marks. This number will deduct subject wise.

4. Dhaka University Admission Test Exam Topics (D Unit):

The remaining 120 marks will be held in the MCQ system.
For the MCQ examinations of 120 marks, a total of 100 questions will be answered and the time will be given 1 hour.
The value of each question is 1.2.
For every wrong answer 0.30 number will be cut.
Three subjects should be examined:

Bengali: 30 Marks
English: 30 Marks
General Knowledge (Bangladesh Affairs + International Affairs): 60 Marks

Available Seats at Dhaka University for the First Year.

This year, a total of 7,128 seats are available — 1,750 under ‘Ka’ (Science) unit, 2,378 under ‘Kha’ (Arts) unit, 1,250 under ‘Ga’ (Business) unit, 1,615 under ‘Gha’ (combined) unit and 135 under the Fine Arts faculty.

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10. Khulna University (KU) Admission Test 2019-2020
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02. Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) Admission Test Circular 2019-2020
03. RUET Admission Test Circular 2019-2020
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05. KUET Admission Test Circular 2019-2020
06. NSTU Admission Test Notice 2019-2020
07. Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU) Admission Test Notice 2019-2020
08. Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU), PSTU Admission Test
09. PUST Admission Test Circular 2019-2020
10. Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, MBSTU Admission 2019-2020
11. Jessore University of Science and Technology, JUST Admission
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13. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Digital University (BSMRDU) Admission 2019-20
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15. DUET Admission Test Notice 2019-2020
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02. Sylhet Agricultural University (SAU) Admission 2019-2020
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04. Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Admission Test Notice
05. Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) Admission Circular

Every year millions of students pass the HSC and its equivalent examinations and they try to admit in public or private universities in Bangladesh. To get the chance of enrollment in any public or private universities, they search several websites or respective university website for up-to-date information on admission. Interested applicants to get the chance for admission in Dhaka University, in general following topics/tags they are using for searches, like: Dhaka University Admission Test Notice, Dhaka University Admission Test Circular, Dhaka University Admission Test Seat Plan, Dhaka University Online Admission Process, Dhaka University Application Start date, Dhaka University Application Deadline, Dhaka University Admission Test Marks Distribution, Dhaka University Admit Card Download Instruction, Dhaka University Website, Dhaka University Admission Form Download, Dhaka University Admission Prospectus, Dhaka University Admission Test Question, Dhaka University Honors Admission Test Notice, Dhaka University Admission Test Result Publish Date, Dhaka University Admission Test Question Solution. StudyBarta.Com always try to provide up-to-date information to its respective visitors regarding above-mentioned topics/topics, but sometimes respective university authority changes/modify their information related to admission without showing any notice to widely circulated print media, so for getting up-to-date information about Dhaka University Admission Process, applicants are requested to visit respective university website to cross-check the information.